Use mask value

Last updated Sep 09 2018

The FormTitan Textbox allows fillers to freely enter alpha-numeric data. If you wish for data to be entered in a certain format you can easily add a field mask to the Textbox, forcing the fillers to insert the information according to your formatting.
Using a field mask is great, however, when a filler enters data in a masked field, the value stored by formTitan as a result (in my submissions, emails, Salesforce Push) does not include the format text.

For example:
if you create the following mask to collect mobile phone numbers (05n)-nnnnnnn.
The form filler would then only need to enter 8 digits, for example: 42233555
and that would also be the value stored in the form.
But surely, in this case and many others, it makes no sense storing only a part of the phone number. What you really need is to store whole field value - including the fixed formatting characters. So you would save (054)-2233555

Can this be done? Now it can!

In this version we’ve added a property called ‘Use mask value’ in the Textbox’s Advanced settings. Once it is turned on the entire field value is stored, including the mask value.
Read more about Field Masking

Oh, and let's not forget - special thanks to our User Halima Naami for bringing this to our attention.


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