Can I change the format of the dates in my salesforce Table windows?

Last updated Jun 04 2018

Yes - you can.
In order to allow your form fillers to view/update/ add data through the table you need to turn on these options and choose which fields will the filler have to view/update.
If you select a Date or Date time field for one of these windows, it will have the default format of DD/MM/YYYY. However, if you choose to change it to MM/DD/YYYY you can do that easily.

Following are steps:
1- Create a simple Salesforce Table:
- Drag an SF Table

- Make it bigger

- Set columns: Account name, phone and website.

2- configure the Salesforce Get integration like so:
- Select object: Account,
- If multiple matches found take ID from: All
- Limit: 400
- Map fields:
fld2 account --> Account Name
fld2 phone --> Account Phone
fld2 website --> Website

3- select the table on canvas and go to its settings
4- open the ‘Advanced’ category
5- Turn on the “Allow edit” checkbox to enable the filler to update the data from the table.

- Press on the ‘Configure’ button to open the window parameters.

- Choose a date field in the drop down below and press on the ‘Add’ button.

- The element will now be added to the fields above and you will now be able to change the date format using the dropdown.


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  • Saurum Sergey07/24/2019 03:57
    Sure, you got format per field(under advanced) or format date per table(under basic)
  • CSS Evaluation07/19/2019 13:36
    Can I change the date format so that it appears as DD/MM/YYYY DIRECTLY in the table? I'd like users to see these formatted values without having to edit the line.
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