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Saurum Sergey
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- i belive that you HIDE your form header, you should click on menu : style: and back the header back, can you try doing it again ?
Answered on 06/09/2016 07:42 - you can create a custom page, completly layout free and then instead of using the custom thank you text, then use custom URL.
Answered on 07/18/2016 14:58 - hi daniele, the q,a is a public place for questioning, i dont understading your question and i will check your account and update your via email. thanks, b.
Answered on 08/02/2016 15:18 - hi, there was a small problem with our cache server, it is good now. sorry for the issues.
Answered on 01/27/2017 09:01 - https://support.formtitan.com/faq/formbuilder/How_do_i_use_the_Paper_Form_Mapping
Answered on 11/26/2017 09:28 - A user is a person that will be able to have access to the objects you shared with, for example: data,reports. once user signed in then he/she will be able to see the shared objects.
Answered on 02/09/2018 12:49 - with multiple rules, the first match will run. also make sure that you didnt check the support opposite because they will cancel each other.
Answered on 03/22/2018 20:59 - this can happen if you are using save draft mode which expired or using a bad url, kindly contact support and we will assist.
Answered on 06/05/2018 14:12 - You cant do it as it is a system field, formtitan works with the API CONNECTOR which mean the API USER will set as the created by.
Answered on 11/01/2018 16:39 - Goto My Account->change the email under the my info tab.
Answered on 11/06/2018 22:21 - The style is quite similar, not 100% similar due to diff styling and fields types.
Answered on 11/14/2018 22:51 - There are 2 options for Salesforce duplication checks 1- UPSERT on the push level, choose update, create condition based on your Salesforce duplication logic and in the (if not found section,choos
Answered on 04/09/2019 11:37 - In your GET comman, you can also SORT BY field/fields, use it to sort the col in the table.
Answered on 05/02/2019 10:44 - When using GET-ALL and living the limit as EMPTY it will pull only 20, so change the empty limit to a higher number, max is 1000.
Answered on 05/27/2019 08:56 - Based on the value of the checkbox(its caption), please also noticed, if you got multiple filters it will use AND operator between the fields.
Answered on 06/03/2019 14:38 - https://c2n.me/425OD8c You got an onload scroll event, remove it (:
Answered on 06/14/2019 15:12 - We got 2 types of PDF options 1- Auto PDF- a screen shot service for your form fields. 2- Dynamic - Based on html template 3- Manual - You scan a pdf and d&d fields on top of it.
Answered on 06/27/2019 02:07 - Per attachment field, field settings->basic->attach to mail property.
Answered on 07/10/2019 10:29 - Sure, add a calculated field, then on the field setting->style->hide per device.
Answered on 08/21/2019 20:36 - As best practice, you should never connect any third party with your admin! , you should allocate a user with specific permissions.
Answered on 09/03/2019 08:13 - https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Videos/Payment_Integration_videos/Stripe_integration_for_recurring_payment_with_Formtitan
Answered on 09/20/2019 16:36Actually, you are wrong, we are listening to all of the events and upon every payment you can use a push to update your salesforce objects, you can also use the stripe fields! via Payment HeadersAnswered on 09/20/2019 16:36 - Goto the my account, click change license, click cancel subscribe again. Once cancelled ,it not harm your account, it only cancel the next billing cycle. Then subscribe again using the annual opt
Answered on 10/28/2019 17:59 - Currently this is not a feature we can offer, BUT : This is a great idea! I am going to suggest it to the team.
Answered on 11/13/2019 19:37 - You should use a textbox field with mask option. a numeric is for collecting numbers(integers/decimals). mask- https://support.formtitan.com/features/Form_Builder_features/Field_Mask
Answered on 11/17/2019 23:20 - Login in to your titan account, goto my account->profile. there is an email field. this email is your titan user name. You can change it if you want. Now on the login screen, you can change you
Answered on 11/19/2019 10:04 - The default limit is 20, change it a number up to 1000.
Answered on 11/26/2019 06:55 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkQ4TMKyNg8daAj2pZJQLfJykb9FjiaiK
Answered on 01/17/2020 17:30 - https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Videos/Re_submit_partial_data_into_Salesforce_Without_Creating_Duplicates
Answered on 02/02/2020 16:38 - File previewer- support for office files docx/pdf etc, you need to add IMAGE field and with condition hide/show the office/image
Answered on 02/16/2020 14:29 - There are a few ways of doing it.The best way is via a calculated field that will sum the value, you can also HIDE it (per device) and use it in the mail.
Answered on 02/26/2020 15:25 - https://support.formtitan.com/faq/Add_Favicon_to_form_web_page
Answered on 03/18/2020 20:24 - There is a way of supporting this: On the mapping part, choose custom, then build your string. (and your idea is one of the hot requests, ill see how to support it better)
Answered on 03/31/2020 03:35 - https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Videos/Build_responsive_mobile_friendly_forms
Answered on 04/02/2020 18:36 - What gateway provider are you using?
Answered on 05/14/2020 14:32 - This can be done with customization of field, and conditional logic. Our pro-services team can help you with this.
Answered on 05/27/2020 19:57 - You can do it only if you are on an enterprise license, you can reach out to our support for more details.
Answered on 06/01/2020 17:33 - This is a good question! Currently you can achieve it with calculated/js code, but wait a bit it part of the road map!
Answered on 06/10/2020 14:32 - Condition is what you need: https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Salesforce/Integration/Creating_a_basic_lookup so you do the search box AND dep equal =Something.
Answered on 06/12/2020 17:00 - The if not found can be nested, It will only run if the parent get didnt find any match results: https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Salesforce/Get_Condition_If_not_found_run
Answered on 06/21/2020 14:34 - This means that you are trying to push afile/attachment but they are empty (can be file from user, can be non generated pdf) , you can prevent this by using the rule condition
Answered on 06/22/2020 13:00 - You should do it via calculated field, and aggregate the text into one calculated then push it. the other option is to push it to multiple records in salesforce.
Answered on 06/26/2020 14:28 - Titan account allows you a single connection, If you will change it, then you entire account will work with the same connection. You can purchase an additional account and export/import forms .
Answered on 06/26/2020 16:11 - advanced values: https://support.formtitan.com/features/Form_Builder_features/Advanced_Values
Answered on 07/06/2020 21:18 - Repeated is not supported with dynamic pdf.
Answered on 07/09/2020 21:02 - This can be done with some conditional logic and a mirror field.
Answered on 07/11/2020 17:51 - Dropbox require a unique names, the submissionid is here to make sure its unique.
Answered on 07/15/2020 21:22 - You can use 1 connection per account, you will need a second account for this, you will also be able to migrate your forms between the accounts.
Answered on 07/16/2020 15:04 - You can map that value directl from the smartv-map fields and run a condition based on it https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Videos/Read_from_Salesforce_Get/Map_fields_inside_Smart_V_to_populate_dat
Answered on 07/17/2020 21:40 - No, you can use google drive/s3 if you wish
Answered on 07/18/2020 18:40 - This is part of our roadmap!
Answered on 07/28/2020 14:24 - Gap is due to overlaps with your fields. you should view this: https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Getting_Started/Conditional_Logic/Use_condition_to_show_hide_elements_in_the_form
Answered on 08/28/2020 02:36 - This means you got more than 20 GET commands in 1 second, you are doing something wrong with the GET(Recursive pattern) and we will disable to avoid API usage.
Answered on 09/10/2020 20:49 - Sure, you can push to any object, any related object and any number of objects, please contact via the chat and we will help.
Answered on 09/14/2020 21:14 - It means you dont have responsive layout, check your mobile/tablet versions. You can also reach out via the chat and we will show you via zoom
Answered on 09/15/2020 05:16 - This is an async process and can be done, why not use pdf/word mapping....
Answered on 09/23/2020 05:20 - Part of the section-adv settings.
Answered on 09/23/2020 12:52 - Yes and ! You will need: per user license(8usd). an extra 1k documents per month for 100usd.
Answered on 09/27/2020 22:11 - you got 2 options, simple: dont sync it from salesforce and set it manually on the form builder, second: sync it via record type as sf API cant filter items
Answered on 10/16/2020 20:06 - Yes, use a diff email per device!
Answered on 11/11/2020 19:59https://formtitan.com/ProfessionalServices Minimum is 1 hour, you will be with us online , we will explain, sure!Answered on 11/11/2020 19:59Should be around 15-30minAnswered on 11/11/2020 19:59Not really, what you need to do is to have a HIDE PER DEVICE email fields, set them with the email field, so if its not empty it will send email.Answered on 11/11/2020 19:59This is can be done with bit of logic, but the scope of support is not to build logic, you can use our PS team for this.(via billing-ps).Answered on 11/11/2020 19:59 - Word addin can be frozen if your system resources are low, please contact us via the online chat and we will investigate and help to solve it.
Answered on 12/07/2020 06:22 - You can allow the login flow to continue, then do a GET based on the get show the error message or continue with the form....
Answered on 12/07/2020 19:24Sure, you can do a PUSH after the first time and mark the record and in the SMARTV use this as a condition.Answered on 12/07/2020 19:24 - Yeap, please contact us via support AT formtitan DOT com
Answered on 12/15/2020 23:41 - I assume its google mail , they are partially down in the last few days, please email us via support AT formTitan Dot Com and we will help to remove the unbounce message
Answered on 12/16/2020 19:22 - Sure, add your own navigation buttons,(preb-next) and on click event you can trigger specific js code
Answered on 12/16/2020 19:37 - You can use custom sf actions and disable and also customize it.
Answered on 01/11/2021 15:39 - Kindly reach out to our PS team and we can help you to investigate. FYI- no difference between live/embedded forms, its all working the same so I assume its an implementation error.
Answered on 01/11/2021 22:24 - Sure, its based on conditional logic and you can use diff PDF based on any logic that you may have.
Answered on 01/13/2021 19:41 - Under my account-recovery center,choose forms, locate your form and recover
Answered on 01/19/2021 20:54 - This will be supported in TITAN Web, which is coming very shortly!
Answered on 01/22/2021 22:06 - Sure, please contact support for a 30min free demo!
Answered on 01/25/2021 18:20 - 1-You can sure, any object https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Videos/Generate_document_from_custom_object_in_Salesforce_Lightning
Answered on 01/29/2021 16:20Login into your sb, from there add an app from the appexchnage.Answered on 01/29/2021 16:20 - Hello, I assume your form content is bigger than your actual form size so it will overlap, you can try to increase the size/spaces or you can use our PS team for this purpose.
Answered on 02/04/2021 16:45 - Sure, use APEX to do the API and return it to the form: https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Videos/How_to_populate_dynamic_items_via_apex_in_Formtitan
Answered on 02/05/2021 18:33 - There are multiple options to achieve it, for exzample, you can upload it via base64 mapping or directly to a file/attachment object in sf and from there pull to richtext.
Answered on 02/08/2021 13:06 - Kindly contact us via our chat and we will guide you.
Answered on 02/10/2021 15:25 - Your mistake is unknow as your code is good but its not the same one you are using on your site, for this we will need to identify the source of the problem in your actual site.
Answered on 02/16/2021 19:08404 is due to wrong URL only, you can schedule a technical session via PS and we will help to find your mistake: https://formtitan.com/ProfessionalServices Please also verify you used https://Answered on 02/16/2021 19:08404 means, wrong URL, goto publish and verify you got the right version.Answered on 02/16/2021 19:08 - No, only what is mapped will be on the errors.
Answered on 02/18/2021 20:48 - Its technically not possible, please work with us via PS or partner plan. we are available via our online chat.
Answered on 03/01/2021 02:06 - This is not supported in SF API
Answered on 03/09/2021 15:18 - Sure, its not a data field.
Answered on 03/12/2021 22:531MB LIMIT.Answered on 03/12/2021 22:53 - Hi, this is not supported.
Answered on 03/23/2021 17:30 - This can happen due to wrong mapping, you should map to the countrycode and not to country.(for example). In salesforce fields you got pairs, try the second option.
Answered on 03/25/2021 17:25 - I've also run a test myself, with multipicklist , it worked fine, check that you are pushing the field and not the .values, perhaps this is the issue, also, you didnt specified the err
Answered on 04/02/2021 16:54We cant solve configuration issues without PS as we dont know what the logic in your form, how you mapped, what is the sf configuration. this is not a system failure.Answered on 04/02/2021 16:54If your sf field is multi picklist than you have a diff configuration issue which need to verify with you. our PS team is on my account-billing-ps.Answered on 04/02/2021 16:54Hi, You should verify that the data types are matched on Salesforce. you can also use our PS service to track form mapping, configuration and data mismatch. Our PS is a paid service.Answered on 04/02/2021 16:54 - It means that Salesforce was down at the moment/not responding. in the last 3 weeks they had few incidents.
Answered on 06/15/2021 18:14 - Hu Juan, TITAN can not update something else rather than mapped fields. options:1 you mapped something wrong, option2, you got an automation on Salesforce which causing it. you should check both opt.
Answered on 06/21/2021 01:30
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