Juan Maart
Questions (2)
Answers (1)
  • Hello We have a form that is passing a field value to Salesforce from a dropdown in FormTitan. When previewed the integration happens and the value is passed correctly but not from our live website.
    Asked on 01/11/2021 22:24
    Views 444
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 01/15/2021 09:13
      Kindly reach out to our PS team and we can help you to investigate. FYI- no difference between live/embedded forms, its all working the same so I assume its an implementation error.
  • Hi there We are using the household address model that updates the contact address automatically. I created a form in FT, it updates the household billing address but not the contact address. Help!
    Asked on 06/21/2021 01:30
    Views 546
    Answers 2
    • Juan Maart Answered 06/21/2021 06:04
      Hi Benny I figured it out and did a dual mapping in the push to both household account and contact record. So just fyi the Salesforce manage households does not kick in on this update.tks
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 06/21/2021 03:29
      Hu Juan, TITAN can not update something else rather than mapped fields. options:1 you mapped something wrong, option2, you got an automation on Salesforce which causing it. you should check both opt.
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