Form Builder
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Form Builder
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- I have a sign-up form, but I'd like the ability to review the submission and approve it before the data gets pushed to salesforce, is this possible?
- How can I add html code, or javascript, etc. to create a botton that will direct to another site.
- Can the Smart V information being used to "GET" information? Say of instance prefill "full name" when SmartV authenticates a user as the page is loading
- Hi there, I'm thinking of building a workflow in formtitan however I wanted to check to see if all approvers will need FormTitan licenses. Please let me know. Thank you!
- Hi there We are using the household address model that updates the contact address automatically. I created a form in FT, it updates the household billing address but not the contact address. Help!
- We created a contact form for our website a while back. It is active and working just fine. BUT.. We need to make changes now and can not find the Form in our list of forms.
- I have 2 independent forms. I want visitors to complete the first form and then redirect to the next one using data they submitted to fill fields on the second form. Any ideas?
- How do I change the maximum amount a donor can donate in the Other element
- I am looking to generate a workflow so that customers who complete one of our forms will then be directed to complete a 2nd and ultimately a 3rd form, depending on certain criteria.
- I am getting an integration error if the user selects more than one option from the picklist (it is set to multi select) & the data is lost to SF (although I'm notified via email with a form copy)
- I am getting this error for many of our submissions. How can I fix if it 'appears' correct' and the dropdown is connected to our SF fields?
- I'm trying to use a hidden field to store some text based on a condition. Is there a limit to the number of characters it can hold? Can I set the value from a paragraph field?
- I have 2 forms with the same parameters around the "Get from Salesforce" -- but the main form (not the copy) is not performing the Get function. Why is the function differently for identical forms?
- Does the SF Action button allow for error display on mandatory fields that are not filled in? I don't see the error message appear if a mandatory field is not filled in.
- I embed the form on a website page and I keep getting a 404 Page Not Found error and no form appears.
- Could I upload an image to a Textarea Rich field in the form and map to upload it directly to Salesforce? I need to let my contacts be able to upload a photo to a contact record using Textarea Rich.
- Could I populate a dropdown with values from an external API call? This is a tool we use for credit cards and are stored in a portal. I would like to use API call to retrieve the cards (tokenized).
- I received a report about a form I have published on my org's website that is preventing someone from submitting a required field because the text that is formatted above it is overlapping...
- I would like to install the FT Package in a specific developer sandbox instance in Salesforce. If I click on Sandbox during install, where does it allow me to select which sandbox?
- Lookup - If the record does not exist in Salesforce and you check "Allow add record", is it possible to pass the Lookup parameter to the new form so a customer doesn't have to type it out again?
- Is there anyway to recover an accidentally deleted form?
- Is it possible for each dropdown menu item I create to map the information onto a different PDF?
- Hello We have a form that is passing a field value to Salesforce from a dropdown in FormTitan. When previewed the integration happens and the value is passed correctly but not from our live website.
- Can I disable the While Submit Message? If not, can I customize the style?
- Is the Salesforce address search Powered by Google supported? When you add a new contact there is an option to do an address search.
- Is there a way to have javascript in the head of the form fire for each page of a form instead of just the first page?
- I no longer receive email notification when someone fills in and sends my form to Form-Titan. Therefore I don't know when I have received a submission. How do I enable this function? Jim Wood
- Does your company provide customized training in Form Builder?
- I have a form with a Smart V element where the user enters payment # and email. If the user has submitted the form with that # and email, is there a way to not allow the user to use the link again?
- We have a picklist in salesforce with values A,B,C. We only want to display A,B to the form user. How can I do this? It's currently syncing values from Salesforce so I need to turn that off too.
- Hi Team, Can you confirm is anything above the Gold subscription is needed to operate and run the Document Generation tool? Thanks!
- I don't see the attach / detach options on the section element. Was that removed or is there a different way to attach / detach elements from a section?
- It seems like you can enable auto-download for manual pdf & word - but I'd love to give my form fillers the option to be able to download a pdf 'screen shot' of their submissions - can it be done?
- Following this video, but the sections won't repeat nor use static Id.
- Can you push data to an Opportunity, Case or custom object? I know how to push data to different Leads and Accounts but cannot find a way to do the same for related objects.
- Hello. I am seeing the error "FT Request Limit - Content Document" in my Salesforce Integration Logs for a form I am developing. Please give me some more information about what this message means.
- How do I set a custom email to be sent to form filler (on submit) only if condition is met? On submit w/condition, the Send seems to be a string. Or selecting form filler is for all submissions.
- I have a several fields that I hide/show based on a dropdown. There is one field that hides but leaves a big blank gap whereas all other fields hide without gaps. Stumped on this.
- I have a form w/ 2 radio btns and a repeated section (RS). Is it possible to populate the RS based on which radio btn was selected from 2 different salesforce objects? I tried the Get Rule but no.
- I want to prevent submission if one field = a and both upload fields b & c are empty - how do i go about it?
- I need to make sure that if a form question is answered a certain way, that the submission is prevented unless one of two upload fields are filled - it can be either one, or both, but not none. How?
- Are there other options for a URL? Or do I need to use this format if hosted by formTitan?
- I have a lookup field on the form that is a GET from SF. If no value in found in salesforce, I want the form to redirect the user to a create new form.
- Hello, in my form I am able to push textbox and email to Salesforce. Why can I not push the phone number to Salesforce?
- Does the portal have a notifications system similar to Salesforce notifications system? If so, where do we set it up?
- When a PDF file is created to send to Salesforce, is the PDF file kept someplace where we can reference it and send it to someone else in the future?
- We can't find a way to build and test a form in the sandbox and then point it to Production when complete. It appears all forms are either pointing to prod or pointing to the sandbox.
- When a PDF file gets submitted to dropbox or Box the name of the file is in a folder with the submission id as the name. It was our understanding we could control the name of the file.
- How can I add the Likert table from my form to a the final document I create? Or, how do I display the radio button checked, Similar to PDF in email
- I have a repeat section that is mapped to a table in Dynamic PDF with interactive mode enabled. But in the preview, you can only edit the first row of table results. Is there another way to do this?
- I am trying to choose a item from a list, then grab the price of the item. Example. TV $20 Washer $40 Bed $50 I want to choose the item and use the price in other calculations
- How do I disable the next button to page 2 if the get field from Salesforce is not found?
- Hi there! When I change to Sandbox authentication, does this mean that forms I have published to my website will now point to my sandbox instead of production? Thanks!
- I have a form that allows you to add multiple records on a single submission. When I export as CVS/EXL they export perfectly - but they do not map to google sheet! Help! What am I doing wrong!
- FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: One of these fields must be set: PathOnClient, ContentUrl.: One of these fields must be set: PathOnClient, ContentUrl.
- When setting "if not found run", does the child action on that alternative action will also be execute if the original get action didn't found and called the alternative action?
- How to add a filter on Lookup. ex. I only want people to be able to lookup a list of items that has a specific department(field).
- Can field mask be used to make the first letter of (lets say) a first name capitalized? If not with the field mask, is there any other way to do this?
- How do you configure a drop down to send the email notification (including a file upload attachment) to different email addresses, depending on what is selected from the drop down?
- Whenever a customer's card is declined, is there a way to set up a notification for the customer/end user to let them know that their card has been declined upon submission?
- We have gotten multiple messages reporting errors in being able to fill out the form. I would love support ASAP on how to fix the layout.
- I want to have a question that says "Are you a citizen of X country" where X is either retrieved from a record in Salesforce via get, or via a URL param. Is this possible?
- I would like to add a Favion to my site. Since Form Titan is hosted in the cloud, where do I extract the Favicon contents to? This usually goes into the root directory?
- I tried to bring in a field in Repeatable Section in my Custom Message, but it only show the first record. How do I have ALL records listed in my email, not just the first one?
- Hi, is there a way to show a file preview of an image and a PDF file while uploading both in one element? and also the file viewer only shows pdf files from salesforce but no images.
- I just learned how to attach a file to an Account/Contact record Now I'd like to resubmit the previous submissions so their mapped pdfs will be added to their Contact objects.
- What is the best way to attach a generated PDF to a relevant record in Salesforce? Thanks!
- My form displays a lookup field to show all the contacts on an account. It seems to only load up to 20 contacts. I have no limits set - tried setting limit to 50 -still only shows 1st 20
- We are collecting phone numbers for forms. Is there an option for that? I noticed there is a textbox and numerics, but we want it in a format that would be in (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Any ideas or options?
- Is it possible to create a calculated field that is hidden on the form?
- I have set up a condition on submit for sending an email - how can I attach the pictures to this particular email address
- Hi, I have a form which gathers answers using radio buttons. I need a digital signature and so need a pdf. How do I get the pdf to look like the completed form?
- Hi! We're experiencing an issue with our forms refreshing to the top of the parent page when NEXT is clicked. Please help!
- How to filter check list Ex: Field is Interests, options are : Publishing, Research, Marketing, etc. How do you filter the submissions so that all submissions that checked "Research" are shown
- I created a table to pull in campaign members but only 20 rows are showing up
- When I do a get to a table from SF the dates and sort by the date field - the dates do not appear chronologically - the dates are DD/MM/YYYY and therefore come in according the day and not by month
- Is it possible to check for a duplicate in Salesforce, the field property is unique value so if it exsists in Sales force I can't add it but if none exists it should create new.
- Hi Team, The titan themes for salesforce classic and lightning themes do not provide same field fonts as salesforce field labels or field inputs. Is that how it was designed or anything is missing.
- The person that set up the administrator (elite) account will not be the actual administrator and we would like to change it to a different person.
- I can't seem to find it in docs! I'm looking to "GET" the user ID of the person who is entering the form information and then "PUSH" to created by. Possible?
- When I try to view my form in Layout format and print it I get the error message 404 page not found. Help!
- Have put some Text on the form - but now can't find option to edit it
- I am writing two conditional rules for the same field with the same result. However one of the rule works and the other rule does not. Any ideas why?
- how do I upload a pdf to which I want to add fields
- I have a form on my page It's very different from preview with all fields very long. How can i do?
- Hi benny, All my contact forms are white on my site
- In the alone submission of "Iscrizione dott. Willard" in a answer appears "true". There is a matter? Thank you very much
- How to change font size message " thanks" to send'
- how do i insert these at the beginning of the form? I have typed them in the box, but they no longer appear in the form.
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