- Hi, I have a form which gathers answers using radio buttons. I need a digital signature and so need a pdf. How do I get the pdf to look like the completed form?Asked on 06/27/2019 02:07Views 542Answers 1
- I want to have a question that says "Are you a citizen of X country" where X is either retrieved from a record in Salesforce via get, or via a URL param. Is this possible?Asked on 03/31/2020 03:35Views 503Answers 1
- I need to make sure that if a form question is answered a certain way, that the submission is prevented unless one of two upload fields are filled - it can be either one, or both, but not none. How?Asked on 08/26/2020 00:04Views 456Answers 1
- I want to prevent submission if one field = a and both upload fields b & c are empty - how do i go about it?Asked on 08/26/2020 02:54Views 426Answers 1
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