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Gal Siloni
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Answers (20)
- It can be done using Zapier.
Answered on 08/12/2020 21:31 - It is possible. Need to check your form/push.
Answered on 08/12/2020 21:49 - You can use an hidden field with hard code value =1. And use a get with same logic and lookup to populate the hidden on load. if Hidden is empty after load - Redirect.
Answered on 08/17/2020 18:37 - with embed/script/iframe you can hide the Titan URL from your users.
Answered on 08/20/2020 22:36 - Same as previous answer
Answered on 08/26/2020 00:04 - if you use custom action -> fire it based on condition . Or if you use submit you can disable/hide it based on a condition and show/enable it only in case it is ok to submit.
Answered on 08/26/2020 02:54 - Yes put a condition on the radio button and based on the value of RS activate different get from salesforce to populate the section
Answered on 08/27/2020 18:47 - It can be done using shadow email field. but for this better to schedule a 15 meeting zoom with us. Please send us an email to support when you can
Answered on 08/28/2020 16:38 - need to see it. short zoom when possible
Answered on 09/15/2020 16:36 - You can do redirect from one form to another after submit/save
Answered on 05/19/2021 16:47 - The question is not clear please contact support@formtitan.com
Answered on 05/21/2021 19:34 - Yes you can redirect after submit or after salesforce action . see links: https://support.formtitan.com/features/Form_Builder_features/Post_submit_Redirects https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Sales
Answered on 05/31/2021 11:55 - Please send a mail to support@formtitan.com and they will help you.
Answered on 06/08/2021 22:00 - No, They do not need a formtitan license
Answered on 06/23/2021 21:37 - Need to use the refresh cache link - on the bottom of the Get From Salesforce screen
Answered on 07/13/2021 09:14 - of course - in the smartV configuration - map the relevant fields in the mapping ( from same object)
Answered on 07/21/2021 22:21 - You can use a regular button with a condition that will do the redirect
Answered on 07/28/2021 14:52 - Either Enterprise or buy another Gold license.
Answered on 08/25/2021 14:03 - If the user already saved it will be in SF. you can control it using statuses in SF. When user submit status will ne not approved and when you will review the form with data from SF and approve.
Answered on 09/10/2021 18:53 - Yes you can change labels name - mapping will not be affected ( just don't delete fields)
Answered on 09/13/2021 13:38
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