Garet Skipper
Questions (3)
Answers (0)
  • Our old form builder allowed for a dynamic calendar that linked to our schedules in Calendly. I am worried some clients won't submit the new form after being redirected to schedule on another webpage. Is there a way to do this?
    Asked on 08/12/2020 21:31
    Views 483
    Answers 1
    • Gal Siloni Answered 09/10/2020 12:45
      It can be done using Zapier.
  • Hello, in my form I am able to push textbox and email to Salesforce. Why can I not push the phone number to Salesforce?
    Asked on 08/12/2020 21:49
    Views 455
    Answers 1
    • Gal Siloni Answered 09/10/2020 11:37
      It is possible. Need to check your form/push.
  • Can you push data to an Opportunity, Case or custom object? I know how to push data to different Leads and Accounts but cannot find a way to do the same for related objects.
    Asked on 09/14/2020 21:14
    Views 436
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 09/15/2020 05:23
      Sure, you can push to any object, any related object and any number of objects, please contact via the chat and we will help.
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