- I am trying to choose a item from a list, then grab the price of the item. Example. TV $20 Washer $40 Bed $50 I want to choose the item and use the price in other calculationsAsked on 07/06/2020 21:18Views 478Answers 1
- How can I add the Likert table from my form to a the final document I create? Or, how do I display the radio button checked, Similar to PDF in emailAsked on 07/11/2020 17:51Views 447Answers 1
- When a PDF file gets submitted to dropbox or Box the name of the file is in a folder with the submission id as the name. It was our understanding we could control the name of the file.Asked on 07/15/2020 21:22Views 450Answers 1
- We can't find a way to build and test a form in the sandbox and then point it to Production when complete. It appears all forms are either pointing to prod or pointing to the sandbox.Asked on 07/16/2020 15:04Views 875Answers 1
- When a PDF file is created to send to Salesforce, is the PDF file kept someplace where we can reference it and send it to someone else in the future?Asked on 07/18/2020 18:40Views 465Answers 1
- We created a contact form for our website a while back. It is active and working just fine. BUT.. We need to make changes now and can not find the Form in our list of forms.Asked on 06/08/2021 22:00Views 431Answers 1
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