Region 7B MWA
Questions (2)
Answers (0)
  • How do I disable the next button to page 2 if the get field from Salesforce is not found?
    Asked on 06/29/2020 18:22
    Views 410
    Answers 1
    • templates templates Answered 06/29/2020 18:24
      hide your pagebreak via hide per device, add custom buttons whihc will be using for GO NEX/PREV and build the logic on top of those.
  • I have a lookup field on the form that is a GET from SF. If no value in found in salesforce, I want the form to redirect the user to a create new form.
    Asked on 08/17/2020 18:37
    Views 410
    Answers 1
    • Gal Siloni Answered 09/10/2020 11:32
      You can use an hidden field with hard code value =1. And use a get with same logic and lookup to populate the hidden on load. if Hidden is empty after load - Redirect.
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