Javier Maldonado
Questions (1)
Answers (5)
  • On my form, I have 2 emails field dependant on the checkmark field, basically, the condition is: 1-when the checkmark field is not ticked (normally) then one email is sent. 2-when the checkmark field is ticked, then 2 different custom emails will be sent out. Is it possible to achieve this? can you tell me how? Thanks in advance... My form https://greenbelting.formtitan.com/fte8b1d11e1604330784471#/
    Asked on 11/11/2020 19:59
    Views 452
    Answers 10
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 11/13/2020 20:23
      Yes, use a diff email per device!
    • Javier Maldonado Answered 11/13/2020 20:00
      Hi Benny, can I send the Owner a custom email depending on a tick field?, I mean, if the field is ticked, an email, and if it is not ticked a different email.
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 11/12/2020 15:29
      https://formtitan.com/ProfessionalServices Minimum is 1 hour, you will be with us online , we will explain, sure!
    • Javier Maldonado Answered 11/12/2020 15:21
      Hi Benny, I there a minimum Professional Service charge?, Do you want me to describe exactly what we want? Could I see what you do when you are doing this logic?... I would like to learn!!! THANKS...
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 11/12/2020 04:29
      Should be around 15-30min
    • Javier Maldonado Answered 11/11/2020 21:41
      Benny, you were right... how much would be this cost to develop this logic?...
    • Javier Maldonado Answered 11/11/2020 20:15
      Thanks Benny
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 11/11/2020 20:13
      Not really, what you need to do is to have a HIDE PER DEVICE email fields, set them with the email field, so if its not empty it will send email.
    • Javier Maldonado Answered 11/11/2020 20:12
      Thanks Benny, Is there any resource that I can use to try to do it myself? or there is anything that I can follow up to achieve this?
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 11/11/2020 20:03
      This is can be done with bit of logic, but the scope of support is not to build logic, you can use our PS team for this.(via billing-ps).
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