SF Integration
Questions (2)
Answers (0)
  • I can't seem to find it in docs! I'm looking to "GET" the user ID of the person who is entering the form information and then "PUSH" to created by. Possible?
    Asked on 11/01/2018 16:39
    Views 690
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 11/01/2018 16:41
      You cant do it as it is a system field, formtitan works with the API CONNECTOR which mean the API USER will set as the created by.
  • I have two picklists. One controlling and one dependent. The controlling field is a regular field and the dependent is a multi picklist. How do I create this in a form. I want them to choose as many items from the picklist but from what they are allowed to choose.
    Asked on 03/09/2021 15:18
    Views 420
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 03/15/2021 04:55
      This is not supported in SF API
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