Lauren Calderon
Questions (3)
Answers (0)
  • I am writing two conditional rules for the same field with the same result. However one of the rule works and the other rule does not. Any ideas why?
    Asked on 03/22/2018 20:59
    Views 663
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 03/23/2018 03:35
      with multiple rules, the first match will run. also make sure that you didnt check the support opposite because they will cancel each other.
  • FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: One of these fields must be set: PathOnClient, ContentUrl.: One of these fields must be set: PathOnClient, ContentUrl.
    Asked on 06/22/2020 13:00
    Views 954
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 06/22/2020 13:03
      This means that you are trying to push afile/attachment but they are empty (can be file from user, can be non generated pdf) , you can prevent this by using the rule condition
  • Error message Application - Load picklist Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
    Asked on 06/15/2021 18:14
    Views 374
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 06/15/2021 18:16
      It means that Salesforce was down at the moment/not responding. in the last 3 weeks they had few incidents.
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