Jim Wood
Questions (2)
Answers (0)
  • When I try to view my form in Layout format and print it I get the error message 404 page not found. Help!
    Asked on 06/05/2018 14:12
    Views 718
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 06/18/2018 08:56
      this can happen if you are using save draft mode which expired or using a bad url, kindly contact support and we will assist.
  • I no longer receive email notification when someone fills in and sends my form to Form-Titan. Therefore I don't know when I have received a submission. How do I enable this function? Jim Wood
    Asked on 12/16/2020 19:22
    Views 458
    Answers 1
    • Saurum Sergey Answered 12/16/2020 19:25
      I assume its google mail , they are partially down in the last few days, please email us via support AT formTitan Dot Com and we will help to remove the unbounce message
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