Can I allow my filler to close the modal he was redirected to?

Last updated Apr 24 2019

When you redirect your filler to a different FormTitan form in a modal window, you can allow him to close that window using a function called: FTCloseModal().

Following is an example:
We will Create 2 forms:
The first will be called form A - and it will redirect the filler to the second form in a modal window
The second will be called form B - and it will contain a button that closes the window.

Form A
1- Create a new blank form.
2- change its name to form A.
3- Drag a Textbox element and change its label to: redirect to

4- Select the button element and change its type to “redirect”.

5- Press 'Configure' to enter the settings window.
6- Choose the form field from which the URL will be taken: redirect to
7- Select “modal” in the 'open in' dropdown.

8- Press 'Apply' and save the form.

Form B
1- Create a new blank form.
2- Drag a label element and change its text to: This is Form B

3- Select the button on canvas
4- Go to its settings on the right and change its type to “dummy” (you can also do this with other button types).
5- Change the text on the button to: Close modal.

6- Open “Advanced” category and turn on the “on click” checkbox.
7- Press on “configure” button

8- Press on ‘Execute JS’ option and paste this function inside: FTCloseModal();

9- Press apply and save the form.

10- Press on publish and copy the form URL

Now let's test the form
1- Open your first form and publish it as URL
2- Paste the URL of Form B in the textbox
3- Press on the 'redirect button'
4- a modal window will then open, containing Form B
5- Press on the 'Close modal' button and the window will close.

Related post
How to close the modal window and refresh the parent page

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