Why PDF Mapping?
Paper forms have been around for ages. Grant you, today many forms have gone online, however there are still services which rely on paper forms (like law offices, insurance companies etc). The problem with paper forms is that they slow things down, they require download, printing, filling in manually, and sending by fax. This becomes a hassle since many people don't have a printer or a fax. In addition, filling in forms by hand can get tiresome when you are required to fill in the same fields over and over again (like your name or signature).
Furthermore, Companies that need to digitally store the data that was collected with their paper forms now have to deal with a heavier work load that includes scanning the forms, typing in the data etc. This is exactly why FormTitan developed this feature : PDF mapping.
This feature allows you to collect your data using a responsive online form, and then have a PDF document generated based on the entry, with the data in it. This PDF can be sent to you, the form owner, to your form fillers and it can, of course, be pushed to Salesforce.
This is a win-win situation where the data is entered and stored digitally as well as generated into a PDF document in the traditional old way.
FormTitan provides 3 types of PDF mapping:
1- A basic PDF mapping
where you need to upload a background, and place your form elements above it.
Learn how to use the basic PDF Mapping
2- A Dynamic PDF
where you need to create the layout yourself via editor and HTML code.
Learn how to use the Dynamic PDF Mapping
3- An auto PDF
where the system creates the PDF by capturing an image of the filled in form (sort of like a screenshot)
Learn how to use the Auto PDF Mapping