Google Sheets is a web-based spreadsheet application that allows you to store and organize different types of information, much like Microsoft Excel.
By using the FormTitan Push option you can automatically update your google sheets.
Following are steps to integrate with Google Sheets
1- | Open the form you would like to integrate in the Form Builder. |
2- | Go to "Properties Panel" > "Form" tab > "Settings" > "Integrations" Category > "Push notification" - Press on "Set Notifications" ![]() |
3- | In the first wizard step: Choose Platform, select "Google Sheets".![]() |
4- | In the Second wizard step: Platform Parameters - enter the requires details:. |
5- | In order to push data to google Sheets you first will need to "Authenticate with Google".![]() |
6- | Once authenticated you will be required to enter Google Sheets Parameters: |
Spreadsheet Name - Enter a file name and the entries will be stored in it. This field is mandatory. Spreadsheet Folder - This field is not mandatory however you enter a folder name and your spreadsheet will added in it. ![]() |
7- | Choose the columns you want your spreadsheet to include. ![]() |
8- | Turn on the notification toggle and Press on "Finish". |
Example for how the integration really works
Now that your form is configured to integrate with Google Sheets - a user will fill in your form and then:
1- | A new spreadsheet will be added to your google drive account - under "My Drive". (If you entered a folder name in your push configuration - the spreadsheet will appear under it). ![]() |
2- | Inside this folder you will find a separate document for each data entry made in your form.![]() |
3- | The spreadsheet that has be set up will store every entry added to your form and will include only the columns you chose in this push configuration.![]() |