Salesforce is a cloud-computing service designed to help you manage your customer relationships, integrate with other systems, and build your own applications.
By using the FormTitan Push option you can automatically update your Salesforce account.
Please note!
Before trying to integrate you should make sure your Salesforce edition enables integration:
To use the API, your organization must be on one of the following 4 editions (the API is enabled by default):
- Enterprise Edition
- Unlimited Edition
- Developer Edition
- Performance Edition
Editions with no API Access
- Contact Edition
- Group Edition
- Professional Edition
Read more about Salesforce editions with API Access
Following are steps to Push to Salesforce:
1- | Open the form you would like to integrate in the Form Builder. | |
2- | Go to "Properties Panel" > "Form" tab > "Settings" > "Salesforce Integrations" Category ![]() |
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Choose the "Push notification" - Press on "Set Notifications" ![]() |
5- | Now the "push data" window will open. "Push" is a very general term that refers to creating, updating, finding or deleting data in one or more Salesforce objects. Each push action you perform on an SF object will be represented in one integration line, so if you are interested in multiple objects being updated you will need to create an integration line for each. ![]() The first time you open this window - you will have no lines and you will need to press on "Add object" button to create your first integration line. Once you create your integration line it will be added to this window and using four icons on the right side of the line you will be able to edit the line, duplicate the line, delete it or add an integration with a child object. First Step Authentication In order to push data to your destination you will first need to authenticate with Salesforce and then press on the "Add object" button. Read more about the first steps ![]() |
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Now 2 out of 7 configuration categories will appear: "Connection" and "Salesforce object settings". Connection - This is the first category and is mostly informative. It displays your current connection and is designed to enable a connection to a different SF account, however you may not use a different connector without a written consent from FormTitan. Read more about the Connection ![]() Salesforce Object Settings This is the second category and it is open by default. Here you start your integration by choosing the SF object you want to push data to. - "Select an object" - select a SF Object to store the data in. (for example, account) - "Comment" - All integration lines look the same so this option lets you enter a comment to help you identify the push line more easily in the future. Read more about the Object Settings ![]() - "Use in custom button" - This option allows the user to push data to Salesforce by pressing on a custom button (Salesforce Action button). Most forms have only one button in them (the submit button), and when the user presses on it the data is submitted and is also pushed to Salesforce. In these forms the submit button is the trigger for the "push". This "Use in custom button" option allows you to change this and have the user push the data to Salesforce without having to submit the form but rather by pressing on the custom button. Further more, you can add as many SF custom buttons as you want and have each one push data to a different object. (For example: You can have a custom button that pushes data to the Account object and a different button that pushes data to the Contact object). In order to use a custom button you first need to turn on the "Use in custom button" button. read more about how to use the custom SF button |
7- | Now all seven of the push categories will be displayed in an accordion structure and you will be able to configure the rest of your push integration: - Connection - Salesforce Object Settings - Action - Rule Condition - Map fields - Messages - Payment Integration ![]() |
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Action (Create) This category will allow you to choose the action you would like to use in your "Push". whether you would like to create an object, update an existing one, find an object or delete an object. If you choose "Create" you will not need to add conditions. However if you choose to update or find - you will need to set a condition, and if you choose to Delete - you will be given a choice. Read more about the Action category ![]() |
9- | Rule Condition in this category you can set when the push will be executed, based on the form field values. for example: if someone enters A you will define that the push will not happen. Read more about Rule Condition ![]() |
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Map Fields - This is a very important step in the integration - this is where you map your form fields to the SF object fields and determine where the data will be stored. Read more about Map Fields ![]() Mapping direction toggle Mapping your form fields to the SF object fields may be done in 2 directions: - mapping your SF fields to your form fields - mapping your form fields to you SF fields Simply use the toggle to determin the direction in which you are more comfortable with when doing the mapping. Please note that this toggle is only a matter of how the mapping is displayed - it does not effect the mapping itself and you can choose to change directions at any point in the mapping process. ![]() If Empty Since most of the fields in a form are usually not mandatory there will be cases in which they will be submitted empty. If you wish to set a value that will be entered in the SF object when the field is empty (instead of null) you can simply press on the "Configure" button and set a value. ![]() Fitter You can use the filter to search for the fields you want to map or narrow the display using the dropdown on the top right to view All fields, mandatory fields, your mapped fields, or the fields that were not mapped. ![]() |
11- | Messages - This category allows you to set two types of messages: "Show error message to users" - once this checkbox is turned on and for some reason an error occurs -a message will be displayed so the user is aware of the problem. "Disable form while saving" - when you turn on this checkbox the form will be disabled once it is submitted. and you can set your own custom message for when this happens (for example: "Saving your contacts", or "Saving account data") Read more about the Messages categry ![]() |
12- | Payment Integration - If you have set up a payment integration for your form than this category will take you one step further and connects your Payment integration with SF. This connection will make sure that your payments (one time or recurring) will be updated in the Salesforce custom object. Read more about the Payment integration category ![]() |
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Once finished press on "Apply" and you will see a new integration line has been added (containing the configuration you have set so far). On the right part of this line are 4 icons you can use: - Edit - Pressing on this icon will open the configuration and you will be able to make changes. - Clone - If you need to create a similar line to one that already exists, by pressing on this icon it will duplicate the integration line, and then you will be able to make your alterations. - Add - Pressing on this icon will add an integration line under this one, in a parent-child relationship. For example, if you have created an integration line with the "Account" object, you will be able to press on "+" and add an integration with "Contact" as a child object. - Delete - Pressing on this icon will remove the relevant integration line. ![]() |
14- | Press on "Finish". Now that your form is configured to integrate with your Salesforce account - a user will fill in your form and then: