General Form Settings

Last updated Apr 13 2017

This Category holds the main properties of the form.


1- Form Name
The form name is its most basic property. Not giving your forms a name will result in not being able to choose a specific one when you need to.
The name property lets you :
- Distinguish between forms.
- search for your form.
- it appears by default in your form header
- it appears by default in the email you get upon submission
- enter your form's data
- use push integrations
2- Form Description
Each form you create includes a description text. It is located under the "form name" inside the header. It may be used as a descriptive description, a slogan or any other text fitting to act as a sub title to your form.
3- Public
This property is very significant since it determines if the form can be seen by other people or not. This checkbox is turned on by default, however, if your decide to turn off this checkbox, it will change your form to "private" and no one will be able to access it except for you.
4- Form URL
This property allows you to change the the text that appears inside your form url.
The form URL has a simple structure : Https:// - this property enables you to change the last part in the structure (instead of "form_URL)
Read more about how to change your form url.
5- Theme
The theme is a set of styles which are applied on the form. Each new blank form has a default theme, however you can change it. This property allows you to choose a different theme and apply it on your form instead of the one currently applied.
6- Right to left
The form you create in the form builder is LTR (Left to right) by default, but if you need to change that you can do so using this property.
7- Form ID
Each form you create (and save) gets its own unique ID.
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