Conditional Logic

logic built like if the user chooses a specific location, only options pertaining to that location show up. Works fine if user chooses only single location but doesn't if multiple choices.

Asked by David Vent on 04/24/2019 17:48
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  • I think that you have multiple rules which are conflicting, jump on a call, email and we will check.
    Saurum Sergey Answered 04/24/2019 18:22
  • Tried Contains, Works the same way as Equals. Things show up only by the location selected first but the second or third choice have no effect until previous options are unchecked.
    David Vent Answered 04/24/2019 18:19
  • You should use contain when its multiple checkbox. or use separated checkboxes.
    Saurum Sergey Answered 04/24/2019 18:09
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