I want to have a Boolean Field (a check box in Salesforce) in my Salesforce table in FormTitan.

When the user edits the data in the pop up window, the field appears as a check box. However, when it is just the table, the user sees "TRUE" or "FALSE". How can the user only ever see a check box?

Asked by CSS Evaluation on 05/09/2019 20:44
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  • You can return a different value directly from a Salesforce formula.
    Saurum Sergey Answered 05/12/2019 05:55
  • With table you got 2 options: 1- use a formula field from salesforce which will return the text rather then true/false, or use a formula to return an image or html char. 2-use repeat and a checkbox
    Saurum Sergey Answered 05/10/2019 02:37
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