Salesforce multi-select checkbox - fields visually overlap

When I set up multi-select check-boxes that pull options from Salesforce, in my form, the questions overlap other questions, no matter how far I space them out. The questions do have conditional logic. I also enabled "Conditional Size" on the section, but this does not fix the visual overlap.

Asked by CSS Evaluation on 08/04/2020 18:42
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  • use ctrl+a (or cmd+a) to select all the fields. OR verify your conditions, perhaps you have duplication there.
    Saurum Sergey Answered 08/04/2020 19:04
  • Thank you! This solves the overlap, but now there is a gap between questions where the conditional sections will show up. Is there anyway to get rid of this gap?
    CSS Evaluation Answered 08/04/2020 19:01
  • put the checkbox inside a section, on the section, goto advanced- overlfow- check it!
    Saurum Sergey Answered 08/04/2020 18:45
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