When I view my form on my laptop, but in a small screen so that it converts to mobile view...

...a lot of extra space is added between elements. I do not see this when I view the mobile view on my phone. This is using the iFrame code.

Asked by CSS Evaluation on 08/24/2020 16:39
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  • https://support.formtitan.com/topics/Getting_Started/Conditional_Logic/Use_condition_to_show_hide_elements_in_the_form
    Saurum Sergey Answered 09/10/2020 10:19
  • CSS Evaluation Answered 08/24/2020 19:14
  • I already set tablet and mobile view, so they should be appearing without the extra space.
    CSS Evaluation Answered 08/24/2020 16:53
  • You should set tablet and mobile view, arrange those via the auto render engine. on the top toolbar, click on DESKTOP change to tablet, delete the view and generate new one.
    Saurum Sergey Answered 08/24/2020 16:48
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