Adding different Collaborators

I need to move two collaborator licenses from the current users to different users. How do I do this? I tried removing one collaborator and adding a new one but I am told that I need a new license.

Asked by Omar Tellez on 02/08/2021 18:31
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  • Got it! Thanks.
    Omar Tellez Answered 02/08/2021 18:46
  • red X means, not activated.(they should get an activation link
    Saurum Sergey Answered 02/08/2021 18:44
  • When you look at the list two of them have green checkmarks and one has a red x on it. That's what is making me doubt that they are set up. Any idea what that red X means?
    Omar Tellez Answered 02/08/2021 18:43
  • You got 3 editors and 3 of them are in used, You can remove and replace, do you want to do a zoom ?
    Saurum Sergey Answered 02/08/2021 18:35
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