New form settings category: Debug Mode

Last updated Jun 20 2018

When you are creating online forms, you always need to test them before making them public, to make sure everything works like it should.
We have 2 options you can use to debug your form with:
FTDebugMode, which allows you (and only you) to see the hidden elements and the values stored in them.
FTIgnoreMandatory, which allows you to test your form without having to enter data in mandatory fields.
Up till now these options were available by adding the relevant string to the form URL and though this is a simple debug tool, many users were not even aware of it.
Recently, one of our users suggested that we add these tools to our form settings - and so we did. It was a great idea to make the tools more noticable and accessible, so many thanks to Itay Ben  David :-).

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